Blue and orange flowers
Everything from a single source: from seed to finished product
A Feast for All the Senses
Even from a bird’s eye view, the Kräuterschlössl cultivation areas are easy to make out. Like an exquisitely colourful rug, the herb fields near Goldrain/Coldrano in the Vinschgau valley immediately catch the eye. And the ears and noses of anyone in the vicinity will likewise announce this colourful world to them in the most pleasant way possible: innumerable herbs with the South Tyrolean seal of quality exude their scents here whilst humming bees buzz around the lavish offering of blooms.

The maxim “everything from a single source” is taken literally at Kräuterschlössl. From producing and sowing seeds through harvesting to the finished products, everything here is done by hand. Its diverse, organic-grade product range includes herbal infusions and spice mixtures, herb salts, syrups, spirits, herb pasta, edible flowers, honey and spreads, as well as well-being and cosmetic products.

Kräuterschlössl is a family business in which the fourth generation is already pitching in. And it is not only their farm shop that is open to all. “Experience herbs with all the senses, is our motto. Herb fields, display gardens and the love garden on the roof of the Kräuterschlössl can be visited daily for free”, invites Urban Gluderer.

Anyone who wants to learn valuable information on cultivation, processing and refining herbs can join a guided tour with the Gluderer family, accompanying them through the fields and processing rooms.
Experience herbs with all the senses, is our motto. Herb fields, display gardens and the love garden on the roof of the Kräuterschlössl can be visited daily for free.
Urban Gluderer
Via Schanzen, 50
39020 Goldrain/Coldrano

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