White and brown eggs
A family of mountain farmers knows how to make the best of its remote location.
Newly Hatched from the Egg

Far off the beaten tourist track, high above Feldthurns/Velturno in the Eisacktal valley in South Tyrol, the organic chickens kept by the Obrist family scratch the ground for grains and worms at an altitude of 1,200 metres – and who knows, perhaps they also enjoy the impressive view of the Dolomites. It has been proven that chickens like to lead a quiet life. Stress affects the quality of the eggs and, in the worst case, even the chickens’ willingness to lay them in the first place. But there is absolutely no need to worry about that at the Gasserhof farm.

The young Obrist family of mountain farmers did not start producing and marketing organic eggs bearing the South Tyrolean seal of quality until 2021. But their requirements in terms of quality, animal welfare, and regionality have been very strict from the start. The chickens have a clean home here and lots of space to roam the fresh mountain soil. Transport routes are to be kept as short as possible, both for the regionally sourced feed and the sale and distribution of the organic eggs via local stores.

We enjoy our work because we’re proud of our ability to offer a high-quality regional product” – that is how Anton Obrist describes what motivates him, his wife, and their three children every day at work on the farm. The young couple is highly motivated and is already looking forward to tackling new challenges – from establishing organic eggs on the market all the way to a new coop.

White and brown eggs

We enjoy our work because we’re proud of the fact that we can offer a high-quality regional product.

Anton Obrist
Via Haeselbrunn 7
39040 Velturno

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